I can't believe that my little buddy is 11 months old already! Not sure where they have gone. He is so fun right now. He is still a happy baby, although the last month has been rough on him. 4 top teeth came in and he had hand, foot, mouth so he was pretty puny for a few days with a high fever. We made it almost 11 months before he had his first fever so that's pretty good! He is still on mostly baby food although starting to eat more table food. 4 bottles a day. FINALLY sleeping well through the night although he gets up earlier than I would prefer :) He takes 2 naps a day...usually pretty good naps. He can go with 1 nap if he has to. He can wave Bye Bye, blow kisses, and give high fives. He still prefers men to hold him if it is someone outside the family. He is still not close to walking on his own, but does really well with his walkers around the house. Loves to play with his Sissies, and screams at them to give him a taste/drink of whatever they are eating/drinking ;) He is getting more "rascally" and pulling things down and getting braver about trying to climb onto things. He still puts everything in his mouth. He LOVES to be outside. He loves watching his Daddy mow the grass...which hopefully he will be helping Daddy with some day. We love you little Buddy and can't imagine life without you!!!
Mommy, I JUST woke up from my 3 hour nap (which has happened this one and only time:)...I am not ready to have my picture made yet!
Warming up a little
Eating out of a snack trap for the first time...he looks like such a big boy
How we roll now if I have to go the grocery with all 3...I avoid it at all costs!
Getting thick enough hair to get pillow hair:)
Just Mommy and me night while Daddy and the Sissies are at VBS...enjoying some quiet alone time with Mommy :)
Doing better with the table food...got to start working on not throwing it on the floor though