I got to meet my favorite tennis player, Lindsey Davenport, on Monday. Jeff called me Monday morning, and said she was doing a free clinic up at Richland. I took the girls up there to watch, and they let us get a picture with her even though we weren't registered to play. I would have loved to be able to play with her in the clinic, but my big tummy and Baby Owen wouldn't have appreciated it :)
Lindsey was so nice and friendly. I was very impressed with her. She got down and introduced herself to the girls, and they actually told her their names. I was a little starstuck I will admit. :)
We watched her clinic for awhile
Then the girls got a little bored and started playing with the camera. We left after they got some good pictures of everything :)
I got a call from school about an hour after I dropped them off on Thursday, and they said Madison's neck was hurting and she wanted to come home. I got there and she wouldn't hold her neck up straight. We went to the doctor, and she diagnosed a bad crick in the neck. She had to spend the day lying on her back with ice then heat on her neck and Motrin. After Macey came home from school, I went in to check on them and they had both fallen asleep. Friday Madison was much better, but still favoring her left side. Hopefully she'll get completely over it soon, and it won't be a frequent thing.