
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Cousin Swim Party

We had a swim party today while most of the cousins on my side were in town. I think we were only missing 4 which is good...more than we usually have all together. It was so fun, and so good to see everyone who we don't get to see very often. 

 Stella was so sweet even though she hadn't slept well and had some new teeth coming in
 Henderson (4), Josiah (19 months), Tate (4), Drayton (4)
 Cora (almost 2)
 Macey (5), Brady (5), Madison (5), Caden (6), Sam (3)
 The whole gang minus 4
Sam, Brady, Macey, Owen, Madison, Lilly, Caden, Drayton, Henderson, Stella, Cora, Tate, Josiah

Memorial Day Weekend Lake Fun

We went to the lake Sunday for Memorial Day to meet Bebe and Papa. It was Brother's first time on the water in the boat. He was a trooper, but looked and seemed pretty miserable in that life jacket. Luckily he was asleep for most of the boating. It was a perfect day weather-wise, not too hot. The girls had a blast on the tube with Jeff and then swimming in a cove.

 Owen napping

 Tubing with Daddy
Macey really liked helping Papa drive the boat 

 They wanted to ride by themselves but they just weren't quite heavy enough and the tube flooded. :)
 Eating some Cheerios to keep him occupied since he really couldn't  move much in that life jacket

Zoo Fun

We went to the Zoo on Tuesday to beat the crowd before school got out. It was a perfect day for it weather wise, and for the most part we were able to stay ahead of the field trips. The kids had a great time, and the babies did awesome...stayed in the stroller the whole time and even took somewhat of their morning all in all a great morning!

 They fed the wart hoggish animals  right when we got there so they were up close to eat their breakfast

 Got good views of the elephants too

 Owen liked watching the elephants

 Owen was enjoying his bottle while Jessie took the big kids on the carousel

 Then I took the kids through the Dinosaur exhibit while Lilly ate :) Madison was the only one brave enough to get her picture made with the dinosaur at first
 Then Macey got brave...Sam never made it over there :) Macey and Sam did NOT want to go through a second time!
Macey's favorite...the kangaroos...they are her favorite animal right now

Cystic Fibrosis Walk

We had the Cystic Fibrosis walk for Tori. It was perfect weather and everyone had such a good time helping raise money to find a cure for Tori and all of those living with Cystic Fibrosis. We love you, Tori!

Daddy and Brother Bear
The girls working on their crafts....pretty much where Macey stayed the whole time:)
Lilly was loving to pet Miss Jennifer's puppy

Owen loves "being one of the boys" :) He loves to be held by boys and play with is so cute. He is loving getting to play with Ben

Elsa and Captain America made an appearance

The cousins...Henderson, Madison, Sam, Lilly, Owen, Merrill, Emery, Tori, Brady, Macey

Sissy taking Brother on a ride after the walk in his tool drawer...he thought it was hilarious

 Owen found him another Buddy with Max at church that night ;)

 Macey feeding Brother his afternoon's nice they can help feed him sometimes 

Friday, May 16, 2014

Girls' Preschool Graduation

The girls graduated from Preschool yesterday. I can't believe they are finished with preschool already and headed to Kindergarten!! It went by so fast!! We are so thankful for all their teachers they have had over the past 4 years to love on them and help them get ready for kindergarten. They were so excited about graduating and we are looking forward to a great summer before starting "real school".



 The other set of "twins" like to be held together all the time now...makes it really easy on the one holding!:) The one being left out gets mad and cries until you pick them up.
 Madison wants to be a Doctor when she grows up

 Macey wants to be a teacher
 Brady wants to be an artist
 Brady getting his Bible and "diploma" from their teachers

 Macey getting hers
 Madison getting hers

 Bryan had the honor of being the "keynote speaker". He did well and kept it very brief :)

 The proud graduates

 Sam, Lilly, Macey, Tori, Brady, Madison, and Owen
 Proud Mommy with her girlies

 The whole family
 The girls with one of their good friends glad we will still see her at church!

 Daddy and his boy (his mini-me :))

 My sweet babies

Having to be held together at the party after graduation :) They are 2 little stinkers!